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About Access Podiatry

Dr. David Jayapaul has been working in private practice for over 12 years. Working within medical centres David’s case load each day varies from children of 5 years old to patients who her in their 90’s and anything in between.

Experienced Staff

David has been working in private practice for over 12 years. Working within medical centres David’s case load each day varies from children of 5 years old to patients who her in their 90’s and anything in between. This allows him to keep up to date best practices for treating conditions.  He holds certificates in dry needling, wound management and regularly takes on students from La Trobe University for their practical placements.

Access Podiatry Program

Although Access Podiatry is a private business, we still try to keep the purity of health care. We understand that unfortunately today not everyone has the finances to access health care. Therefore, for patients with a valid Pension card or who are over the age of 60 can access our podiatry services at a discounted rate.

We have found that this program has been very popular amongst our senior population as it gives them more choice and freedom on the frequency they choose to visit. It also allows public patients that have been waiting on public lists for months the option to access podiatric care.

Quality of Care

One of the major obstacles for practitioners to provide effective care is time. We eliminate this by having our initial appointment time of 40 minutes. This allows the practitioner for each consultation regardless of presenting condition to perform a thorough neurovascular assessment for every patient. We have found that this has not only provided excellent patient satisfaction through holistic approach to podiatry care but also satisfaction for the practitioner as they are able to utilise all their knowledge.

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